Summer Living


Dear Friends,

Pool parties, beach outings, barbecues, traveling and fun in the hot sun… SUMMER has arrived! It is a time of expansive energy, staying up late, catching up with friends and just taking the time to appreciate life. 

Living in Los Angeles, we are blessed with warm weather almost every season. But this blessing can also be a curse. That means we Angelenos need to take extra precautions during the summer months to protect ourselves. Early signs of heat exhaustion can creep up on us so it is important to stay well hydrated and pay close attention if any of the following symptoms suddenly arrive…

  • Light headed and/or dizziness

  • Fatigue and/or weakness

  • Headache

  • Nausea, sometimes with vomiting

  • Cool, clammy, pale skin


A healthy body lives in harmony with its environment, where one should eat in accordance with the seasons. Our needs will be different depending on the season. During these hot, summer months we want to eat more cooling foods which clear heat, reduce toxins and generate fluids. It is important to eat meals that are light and avoid heavier dishes with lots of oil and dairy. If you do eat animal protein, fish is cooler in nature so try to decrease your intake of animal meats such as beef and lamb, which is warmer in nature. There is a reason why we crave more salades in the summer instead of soups. Eating seasonally can also optimize the nutritional value of the fruits and veggies. The farmer’s market is the perfect place to find what’s in season!


  • Fruits: watermelon, melons (cantaloupe, honeydew), peach, nectarine, apricot, cherries, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, lemon, cucumber. tomato

  • Veggies: asparagus, bok choy, kale, cucumber, spinach, snow peas, lettuce, watercress, Chinese cabbage, sprouts (alfalfa, mungbean), beets, broccoli, summer squash

  • Herbs: cilantro, basil, dill, mint

  • Legumes & Grains: mung beans, chickpeas, lentils, millet, pearl barley 

  • Seafood: wild salmon, sardines, crab


In TCM, summer belongs to the fire element which is symbolic of heat, expansion, growth, activity and creativity. Because the heart, mind and spirit (the Shen) are ruled by the fire element, this is the time to nourish and strengthen the Shen. When the fire element is in balance, one tends to be creative, passionate, spontaneous and intuitive. The mind is calm, sleep is sound and the heart is strong and healthy. Overdoing it during the summertime can lead to an imbalance of the fire element which can lead to anxiety, depression, agitation and/or irritability, nervousness, insomnia, high blood pressure, chest pains and headaches. 

How do we stay balanced during this season? Besides eating the right types of foods, below are tips on how to live a more dynamic and healthy lifestyle during the summer months… 



Summertime is the time to take advantage of the expansive energy and move more. This is the time to sweat it out and, of course, drink plenty of water! 

  • Running

  • Hiking 

  • Swimming 

  • Cycling, spinning

  • Jumping (jumping rope, trampoline) 

  • High intensity workouts like HIIT


In order to balance out the intensity of the summertime energy movement, meditation and/or breathing exercises is key. As mentioned earlier, when the fire element is not in balance, anxiety, insomnia, headaches and agitation can arise. Take the time to sit, breathe and just “be.”


Lastly, let’s not forget about acupuncture! Getting regular acupuncture treatments during the summer is a great way to maintain balance through the warm season. Acupuncture…

  • Helps with circulation 

  • Regulates internal body temperature

  • Helps to balance immune system (from cold to allergies) 

  • Some acupressure to do at home - press on these points and take three deep breaths

    • Yin Tang (the third eye point, located between the eyebrows) translates to “hall of impression”. It can help calm the mind, decrease stress and anxiety, promote sleep and relieve depression. 

    • Heart 8 is located on the palm, between the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones. When you make a fist, the point is where the tip of the little finger touches. This point helps with palpitations, chronic insomnia and emotional disorders. 


Lastly, getting good sleep is always at the top of the list during any season.

Hope some of this information helps keep you healthy and balanced these coming months! Enjoy, stay cool and let your vibrant Qi flow!