5 Ways to Stay Healthy this Autumn

MyQi blog - 5 Ways to Stay Healthy this Autumn

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the energies of the Fall season are about gathering, harvesting, and self reflection in order to prepare for Winter. 

Some of you have shared concerns that you’ve been feeling off or withdrawn. It’s perfectly normal to feel that way. According to the 5 Elements Philosophy, sadness is the emotion that is associated with Fall. So, according to that, suddenly feeling emotional for no apparent reason actually places you perfectly in tune with nature. That’s the good news.

The bad news is that, in conjunction with the changing of the leaves, the darker side of autumn means drastic spikes in colds, flu, allergies, and other respiratory issues. It’s fitting then, that the organ associated with autumn, according to 5 Elements, is the lungs. 


To support your immunity with this shift toward hibernation in the dry and cool autumn, here are 5 tips to decrease your likelihood of getting sick:


#1: Eat Seasonal Foods 

Eat more cooked foods. Stews, soups, yams, sweet potatoes, winter squashes and cooked green veggies such as asparagus, broccoli, bok choy, cauliflower and kale, are a few good ones to prepare regularly. Also, fruits like apples and pears are excellent for lung health (read my previous post for a nourishing pear tea recipe). Try incorporating a little garlic, onion and ginger into your cooking as well. These pungent foods can help build your immune system and your defensive Qi. For more information on seasonal foods check this link out: https://www.seasonalfoodguide.org/

#2: Protect Yourself From Wind Cold

It turns out that mom was right - you should bundle up when you go outside! According to TCM theory, Wind and Cold are 2 of the 6 pathogenic influences that can invade the body and weaken your immune system. Going outside in t-shirt and flip flops when it’s chilly or windy for even a short duration is all it takes for Wind or Wind/Cold to weaken your immune system. Even here in LA we need to layer up and be ready for the drastic changes of temperature from morning to day time to night.

#3: Boost Lung Qi

One reason people tend to feel run down during the fall is that the Lungs form and distribute Qi/energy to the body. If there is insufficient Qi in the Lungs, the rest of the body will suffer from Qi/energy deficiency. This can make you vulnerable to developing symptoms such as wheezing, sneezing and runny nose, If you’re already feeling these unpleasant symptoms, we have herbal tablets, tinctures and custom herbal formulas that dissolve phlegm, expel toxins and build Lung Qi. We also have a very effective nasal spray that will clear your sinuses for hours at a time.

#4: Drink Water

As the weather starts getting cooler and dryer, many people forget the importance of keeping the lungs moist. Drinking water will also benefit the organ that is paired with the lungs - the Large Intestines. By drinking enough water, your Large Intestines will have an easier time with bowel movements. Keeping a healthy gut will benefit your overall immunity.

#5: Give Yourself a Break

Although it’s important to get sufficient exercise, it is equally important during this time of the year to start exercise within your body as well. Take 5-10 minutes at night to meditate or self reflect. It is also a good time of year to start getting regular acupuncture treatments to balance your system and prepare your body for the harsher forces of Winter.

MyQi blog - 5 Ways to Stay Healthy this Autumn

Treating Children with Chinese Medicine

I wanted to share this wonderful article on treating children with Chinese Medicine with you. It talks about why children so often have digestive disorders and it also explains common ailments that acupuncture has an excellent track record of treating without the use of antibiotics, including ear infections, colds, cough, constipation, hyperactivity, and more. 

We have tasty herbal tinctures that can help children avoid needing medication and its potential side effects. I also use “power stickers” instead of needles for the kiddos (and parents ;) that are not used to the idea of “taps” aka acupuncture. Kids also love “octopus kisses” aka cupping and light massages. 

Feel free to ask more questions if you would like to try this gentle effective healing method for your kids. Keep them naturally healthy! 

Common childhood ailments that respond to acupuncture

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